Created and maintained 20+ different websites and applications.
Cleared the ticket investigation queue which contained hundreds of backlogged and unsolved tickets. New tickets were being added daily.
Developed enhancements and corrections in two-week sprints, including thorough testing and documentation.
Worked with teams and clients to ensure that requirements were understood and met expectations.
Self Employed2013 to 2015
LAMP stack, Javascript, jQuery, Joomla, Wordpress
Designed, built, and assisted with development of websites for several clients.
Troubleshot and repaired personal computers for clients; including replacement of computer parts, virus removal, computer backup, and installation of new software.
Software Developer - Juju Inc.2013 to 2014
Python, Javascript, Regex
Developed code that scraped information using regular expressions.
Inserted scraped data into backend database to populate website.
Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 - Microsoft